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Get YOUR AutoGraph Ball Today!

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 The AutoGraph Ball  

AutoGraph Accessories 

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“The AutoGraph ball has special card holders (Signature Card Holder) like the player can sign the card when it is still in the card holder. It’s like a window or something.  When a player is signing, I just hand it or toss it (AutoGraph Ball) to him. It’s cool because my card doesn’t get all bent up and stuff. You have to try it.”

 - M. Williams - 

Testimonials from Kids

“The AutoGraph Ball is awesome! It has everything I need to get autographs at Spring Training and baseball games. It holds my marker, protects my baseball card, and players can sign directly on the card. It’s weird and hard to explain, but the cool thing about it is I can toss it; so like if a player is only signing balls. I don’t miss out! I can toss The AutoGraph Ball to a player and still get my baseball card [flat item] signed. I got everybody to sign my cards at Spring Training. Players thought it was cool and I stood out!”

- K. Cousins -

“I get more autographs than other kids because I’m polite and players think The AutoGraph Ball is cool!”

 - J. Powell - 

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